Graduate Studies at the Nexus of

Global Horticulture and Human Nutrition to Enhance Community Resilience and Food Security

Human Health Challenges Relating to Nutrition

Vitamin A Deficiency 

Funding for this project (# 2016-07259) was provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Higher Education Challenge (HEC) grant program. This project is in collaboration with the University of Arkansas, Texas Tech University, and The Borlaug Institute at Texas A&M University.


Vitamin A deficiency has been recognized as a public health issue in developing countries. Economic constraints, sociocultural limitations, insufficient dietary intake, and poor absorption leading to depleted vitamin A stores in the body have been regarded as potential determinants of the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. Vitamin A deficiency is exacerbated by many factors, such as lack of education, poor sanitation, absence of new legislation and enforcement of existing food laws, and week monitoring and surveillance system. In this lesson you will learn the causes, risk factors and outcomes of vitamin A deficiency. Based on this learning, you will give a recommended program to address vitamin A deficiency and improve vitamin A status in short, medium, and long term in developing countries. 

  • Identify symptoms of  vitamin A deficiency 
  • Understand causes and key risk factors of vitamin A deficiency 
  • Based on the information presented what recommendation would you  make  in the short, medium, and long run to address vitamin A deficiency 
  • Identify stakeholders in the country that you would engage in implementing the recommendations.  
Level of Instruction


Learner Prerequisite Knowledge

Micronutrient deficiency, vitamin A, vitamin A deficiency, policy and program interventions .

Instructor Preparation/Notes

Read all associated materials, have an existing knowledge of the subject matter.


Learner time required: This lesson should take the well-informed student 2-3 hours to complete.  

As you prepare your recommended policy, program, or intervention, use the following questions as a guide: 

  1. State the nutrition-related problem, its causes, and symptoms.
  2. Describe in details a sustainable program that you would propose to overcome the problem.
  3. State the objectives to the program and explain how you would evaluate its effectiveness.
  4. Outline ways that the different countries in the world have approached vitamin A deficiency problem


Learning Materials


Documents/Research Papers:



Mary Murimi

Ph.D., RD

College of Human Sciences

Texas Tech University