Graduate Studies at the Nexus of

Global Horticulture and Human Nutrition to Enhance Community Resilience and Food Security

Career Options

Introduction to Careers in International Agricultural Development

Funding for this project (# 2016-07259) was provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Higher Education Challenge (HEC) grant program. This project is in collaboration with the University of Arkansas, Texas Tech University, and The Borlaug Institute at Texas A&M University.


This RLE will explain some of the basic requirements for establishing a career in international agricultural development. Students will be exposed to Devex, which serves and connects the global development industry. Locations of the world where jobs are expected to be available over the next few years are described. The foreign languages in most demand are mentioned

  • Understand basic career options available
  • Understand basic job requirements and how to get started on a career in international agricultural development
Level of Instruction


Learner Prerequisite Knowledge

Introductory Module

Instructor Preparation/Notes

Become familiar with Devex; study Devex Hiring Trends Report


Learner time required: about 1 hour

View the voice-over powerpoint ; become familiar with Devex; review Devex hiring trends report

Leo Lombardini


Department of Horticulture

Texas A&M, Borlaug Institute