What is a Reusable Learning Element?
Faculty will use their expertise to create RLEs that best meet a diverse group of student’s needs. This will be a challenge due to pedagogical differences between graduate and undergraduate students. However, we have pedagogical experts on this team to assist with these potential issues. Project team members will provide expertise related to their contextual area and experts from the Borlaug Institute will ensure that the integration of cultural aspects are a part of each curriculum module and then RLEs. All curriculum and RLEs will undergo a peer review process to insure the accuracy of the content. Peer reviewers will be selected based on nominations by the faculty participants and the evaluation team. Peer reviews will be used to strengthen the RLEs prior to their public release. A uniform set of criteria for the RLEs will be adopted by the project team to establish consistency across products resulting from the curriculum and global experiences. Curriculum RLEs will be hosted on the UA Global Campus server. Graduate students will travel on their own or in pairs to complete the global experiential learning opportunity to facilitate their on-site learning.
Have you used one of our RLEs? If so, please participate in our survey!